SIDRÔR APPLES and GINGER is therefore an antioxidant and alkalising drink that promotes the digestive process; if consumed hot it has a strong restorative action in cold syndromes and soothing in the presence of coughs.
Antioxidant, Purifying, Digestion, Energy, Summer, Gluten Free
Our cider is produced 100% with whole apples from organic and biodynamic agriculture in Brittany.
Since the Middle Ages, especially in countries with a Celtic tradition, cider was a very widespread drink linked to various popular traditions.
Its beneficial digestive, diuretic and fever-reducing properties have been exalted since ancient times.
Sidrôr is very rich in vitamins and its regular consumption helps to balance and maintain the homeostasis of our organism, also improving intestinal function.
Sidrôr is free of sulphites and chemical additives, it is vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free, therefore also suitable for celiac disease.
The varieties used are the sweet scented and sweet/bitter ones which bring finesse, body and aromas.
The apple harvest is manual and takes place between the end of September and the beginning of October.
SIDRÔR APPLES and GINGER is therefore an antioxidant and alkalising drink that promotes the digestive process; if consumed hot it has a strong restorative action in cold syndromes and soothing in the presence of coughs.
Antioxidant, Purifying, Digestion, Energy, Summer, Gluten Free
Our cider is produced 100% with whole apples from organic and biodynamic agriculture in Brittany.
Since the Middle Ages, especially in countries with a Celtic tradition, cider was a very widespread drink linked to various popular traditions.
Its beneficial digestive, diuretic and fever-reducing properties have been exalted since ancient times.
Sidrôr is very rich in vitamins and its regular consumption helps to balance and maintain the homeostasis of our organism, also improving intestinal function.
Sidrôr is free of sulphites and chemical additives, it is vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free, therefore also suitable for celiac disease.
The varieties used are the sweet scented and sweet/bitter ones which bring finesse, body and aromas.
The apple harvest is manual and takes place between the end of September and the beginning of October.
SIDRÔR APPLES and GINGER is made up of 93% organic apple juice and Demeter, 7% ginger juice and carbon dioxide.
It is without alcohol, sugars, yeasts or added sulphites and bottled on the apple harvest site.
By taking a glass of SIDRÔR APPLES AND GINGER you will provide your body with many micronutrients including polyphenols, potassium, magnesium and mineral salts, vitamins (C, PP, B1, B2, B3 and A), malic acid with important purifying functions .
Furthermore, the properties and benefits typical of apple juice are synergistically combined with those of ginger, known since ancient times in Asian regions.
In particular, Ginger boasts antiseptic, anti-inflammatory (in this regard it is worth remembering its favorable action on ulcers, various forms of colitis and various intestinal inflammations) and immunostimulant qualities.
SIDRÔR APPLES and GINGER is made up of 93% organic apple juice and Demeter, 7% ginger juice and carbon dioxide.
It is without alcohol, sugars, yeasts or added sulphites and bottled on the apple harvest site.
By taking a glass of SIDRÔR APPLES AND GINGER you will provide your body with many micronutrients including polyphenols, potassium, magnesium and mineral salts, vitamins (C, PP, B1, B2, B3 and A), malic acid with important purifying functions .
Furthermore, the properties and benefits typical of apple juice are synergistically combined with those of ginger, known since ancient times in Asian regions.
In particular, Ginger boasts antiseptic, anti-inflammatory (in this regard it is worth remembering its favorable action on ulcers, various forms of colitis and various intestinal inflammations) and immunostimulant qualities.
SIDRÔR APPLES and GINGER is made up of 93% organic apple juice and Demeter, 7% ginger juice and carbon dioxide.
It is without alcohol, sugars, yeasts or added sulphites and bottled on the apple harvest site.
By taking a glass of SIDRÔR APPLES AND GINGER you will provide your body with many micronutrients including polyphenols, potassium, magnesium and mineral salts, vitamins (C, PP, B1, B2, B3 and A), malic acid with important purifying functions .
Furthermore, the properties and benefits typical of apple juice are synergistically combined with those of ginger, known since ancient times in Asian regions.
In particular, Ginger boasts antiseptic, anti-inflammatory (in this regard it is worth remembering its favorable action on ulcers, various forms of colitis and various intestinal inflammations) and immunostimulant qualities.