How many bees are there in the world? And how many of them make honey? If you have wondered this then this is the book for you. You will discover that there are several thousand of them, with many different species, colors,shapes and sizes. And why is it so important to know about them, and is their role as pollinators really crucial, as they say, to preserving the ecological balance? This small handbook describes wild bees (super-family Apoidea), their biology, where and how they live, as well as some tips on how to find them. Because "other bees" are everywhere, all around us-just look for them! By reading these pages you will learn not only how to recognize them but also how to love and respect them... to the point of feeling the desire to build your own solitary bee condominium: a "BeeHotel."
The laminated cards depict exactly what a beekeeper finds when opening a Beehive: photos of combs well covered by bees. Also featured is a honeycomb with the queen, a honeycomb with real cells, and side combs with honey and pollen supplies. The kit contains both nest and Honey super honeycomb photos The photographic print quality is excellent to achieve a realistic effect.The cards are made of thick cardboard and are laminated so that they will stand the test of time from various demonstrations or lessons