BEEEKERS CONTINUE TO FACE TERRIBLE CHALLENGES caused by epidemics, disease, pollution, climate change and pesticides. Yet in gardens and on the rooftops of homes around the world, Top-bar Beehives are increasingly being used to raise bees without resorting to antibiotics, acaricides and other chemicals. In TOP-BAR Beekeeping, which came out in 2011 and has now become the worldwide "classic" for this type of beehive and beekeeping, Les Crowder and Heather Harrell guide us to an innovative approach of bee management in horizontal Beehives, addressing the issues of management, queen rearing, honey and wax harvesting and processing, and even honey plant selection. Les Crowder has more than 30 years' experience in developing his Top-bar management method. Durable, inexpensive, and easy to build, the Top-bar Beehive is constructed of untreated wood and allows bees to build combs as they would in their natural environment, instead of filling the frames with prefabricated wax sheets of a typical rational hive. This is just one reason why natural beekeepers are increasingly using Top-bars. The natural and stress-free methods for bees outlined here are ideal for hobbyists who want to devote their time to raising bees profitably and holistically, but also suitable for new professionals who want to try to set up their income differently by choosing natural, but also for those who own orchards, gardens and permaculture gardens, and for all those who also look to bees for their function as pollinators