The bee and man. Beneficial effects of beekeeping. Perception in bees. Honey and quartz. Bee venom and ants. Formic acid as the basis of Earth's soul and spirit.
Help! A spider! What a beast! Yeah, but what if we tried to look at it more closely instead? Spiders - which are not insects! - are a very large group of species, more than 50,000, or almost ten times more than all mammals, that have diversified and adapted to the most diverse environments. In this volume, accompanied by beautiful illustrations that are also scientifically accurate, you will find about fifteen stories, told in the first person by the spiders themselves, that introduce us to the fantastic world: flying, diving, dancing, jumping spiders, with the most diverse forms and habits, united by the fact that they are all predators and the use of silk, with which they create cocoons to protect their young, weave traps, can fly or live underwater.