In the 1970s, Seeley and Morse, in order to carry out their investigations into the phenomenon of swarming (which after 20 years of further study led Seeleya to write The Democracy of Bees, one of the most important books of bee sociobiology), first had to understand what the "optimal homes" were that the scout bees of each swarm go in search of.Out of that experience came this booklet, published thenby the Local Beekeepers Association of Cornell (USA), in whose pagesthe ideal characteristics of the baited Beehive (or swarm catcher)are summarized and the best times and strategies for arranging and exploiting it most effectively identified.Translated now for the Italian reader, the valuable booklet has been enrichedwith an update article. In a few pages, a great teacher expounds on everything and only the essentials, starting with the bee and considering the various difficulties and needs of the present moment.