Queen excluder isolator complete with Honey super honeycomb d.b.
QI T62I12
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ISOLATOR EXCLUDE QUEEN for FAVO D.B. from Honey super made of PLASTIC KIT BASIC KIT: - No. 1 PLASTIC FAVO with PRESTAMPED CELLS ( NOTE: One side of the FAVO has more depth, and it is the side where to put the ISOLATOR) (Cod. QI T62) - No. 1 PLASTIC ISOLATOR, which attaches to the FAVO, with queen insertion door (Cod. QI I12) OPTIONS : - KIT (FAVO + INSULATOR)- FAVO ONLY- ISOLATOR ONLYThe PLASTIC INSULATOR can be used on a FAVO by D.B. Honey super TRADITIONAL WOODEN FAVO, 2 ISOLATORS mounted and hooked together form a COVED BLOCK CAGE.
It is used by inserting the queen, inside the isolator the time necessary for brood blocking.It allows the queen to continue laying but only on the honeycomb isolated from the cover Varroa fight with Biological Method
It is used by inserting the queen, inside the isolator the time necessary for brood blocking. It allows the queen to continue laying but only on the honeycomb isolated from the cover Varroa control with Biological Method
It is used by inserting the queen, inside the isolator the time necessary for brood blocking.It allows the queen to continue laying but only on the honeycomb isolated from the cover Varroa fight with Biological Method
Varroa i fights them more effectively by zeroing out the winter brood. From this observation comes the Menna cage, designed and patented by Vincenzo Menna: a practical device that promotes the queen's rest in the colder months, and that brings all the varroa present in the Beehive more easily out into the open. The period of use varies from northern to southern Italy, but indicatively the first days of November will be the most suitable to start caging, and mid to late January those for caging. Considering that a regular family goes into production in 60 to 70 days from the release of the queen, it will be up to the beekeeper to adjust the period.