To make your own beeswax candle you will need: - a silicone mold- a wick of appropriate thickness- a rubber band- a toothpick- silicone (Spray) - optional 1) Preparing the mold:We recommend spraying the mold inside with silicone spray which will make it easier to remove the candle at the end of the process. Insert the wick in the center from the bottom and pop it out from the top. Secure the mold with rubber bands to keep it tightly closed. Tie a wick to the toothpick and rest the latter on the top edge. 2) Fill the mold ocn the wax: Melt the wax in a preferably enameled pot, pour it into the mold when it has reached a temperature of 50°C. Pour it slowly into the mold. The time for the wax to solidify depends on the size of the mold and the amount of wax used. 3) Take the candle out of the mold:When the wax is cold, remove the rubber bands, open the mold and take out the candle. Remove the toothpick and cut the wick at the base of the candle, while on the top leave the wick 1 cm long. Spray the candle with silicone spray to give it shine.
Directions for use Apply directly to well-cleaned skin until the desired thickness is obtained. On areas covered with hair, thin gauze can be placed between the poultice and the skin. It is helpful to keep the treated area still, then secure the poultice with a bandage. Insulate with wool cloth. The duration of application varies from half an hour to two hours. Remove the poultice when it has become warm from cold or when it "pulls" on the skin. It is removed with water.
To make your own beeswax candle you will need: - a silicone mold- a wick of appropriate thickness- a rubber band- a toothpick- silicone (Spray) - optional 1) Preparing the mold:We recommend spraying the mold inside with silicone spray which will make it easier to remove the candle at the end of the process. Insert the wick in the center from the bottom and pop it out from the top. Secure the mold with rubber bands to keep it tightly closed. Tie a wick to the toothpick and rest the latter on the top edge. 2) Fill the mold with wax: Melt the wax in a preferably enameled pot, pour it into the mold when it has reached a temperature of 50°C. Pour it slowly into the mold. The time for the wax to solidify depends on the size of the mold and the amount of wax used. 3) Take the candle out of the mold:When the wax is cold, remove the rubber bands, open the mold and take out the candle. Remove the toothpick and cut the wick at the base of the candle, while on the top leave the wick 1 cm long. Spray the candle with silicone spray to give it shine.
3M filter with bayonet attachment for use with 3M semi-masks and full face masks, for protection of the respiratory tract from organic vapors (with boiling point above 65°C) with limit of 1000 parts per million. Applications: beekeeping, spray paint and solvent use (mek, toluene), painting operations, production of inks, dyes, resins, chemical industry CE:EN 14387