BetaSun Bronze is a dietary supplement with Purple Carrot juice, Beta-carotene, Lycopene, Copper, Tyrosine, Proline, Vitamin C, E, B2. Purple Carrot, rich in anthocyanins and carotenoids, and Vitamin E protect the skin from free radicals produced by prolonged sun exposure.Copper contributes to normal skin pigmentation. Beta-carotene is a natural carotenoid that our body converts to Vitamin A, which helps maintain normal skin. Proline and Vitamin C contribute to collagen production and maintain skin tone and elasticity. Use of the product may be indicated in cases of prolonged exposure to sunlight, a situation that promotes the production of free radicals.
WHEN TO USE IT To prepare for sun exposure and after sun exposure to maintain your tan longer. HOW TO USE IT 1 or 2 tablets daily, during or after meals. To prepare your skin for the sun, you can start using BetaSun Bronze one month before sun exposure in the case of dark phototypes and at least two months before if your phototype is light.