METHOD OF USE: One filter in one cup of boiling water, leave to infuse for 5-7 minutes with lid on to prevent loss of volatile principles. Store in a cool and dry place
METHOD OF USE: One filter in one cup of boiling water, let steep for 5-7 minutes with lid on to prevent loss of volatile principles. Store in a cool and dry place
Yogi Tea Digestion is based on an Ayurvedic recipe of herbs and spices believed to promote digestive processes. Ayurvedic tradition teaches that well-selected foods and herbs can affect how one feels after meals and throughout the day. This tea contains fennel, licorice, and peppermint leaf, prized in Ayurveda for their beneficial effects on digestion. Warming herbs such as cardamom, coriander, ginger and black pepper lend balance to this delicious blend. Preparation: for a perfect infusion, pour freshly boiled water over a sachet. Let it steep for 4-6 minutes, or longer if you want a more intense flavor. Gently squeeze the teabag to fully release the active ingredients into the water. You can enjoy a cup of this tea either during or after a meal. Ingredients: Cardamom*, fennel*, coriander*, barley malt*, licorice*, peppermint*, ginger*, cinnamon*, black pepper*, cloves* (*Biological) - Non-EU Agriculture Allergens: Contains barley malt