Botanical name: Peumus boldus Molina Properties and benefits: has a hepatoprotective effect due to its choleretic (increased biliary secretion) and cholagogic (increased evacuation of bile) properties. Used in the treatment of dyspeptic disorders and associated symptoms (such as feeling full, flatulence, etc.), as well as in biliary insufficiency and as an antihepatotoxic. Boldo leaf has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, especially in the intestines. It promotes intestinal functions, amplifying the laxative action of anthraquinonic drugs such as Senna and Frangula, with which it can be associated in laxative herbal teas in order to reduce their dosage. (This product may undergo a natural variation in weight.) In 100 g, 200 g or 500 g packages.
Preparation of infusion: steep 1 level tablespoon of Hawthorn in a cup of boiling water for about 10 minutes. Contraindications:Avoid prolonged use. At high dosage it may cause diarrhea.If gallstones are present in the gallbladder, there may be a risk of triggering colic if the stones are placed in such a way as to obstruct the bile excretory ducts.