  • ENERVITAM forte
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ENERVITAM forte - food preparation, net weight 250 g. Energy and vigor Restorative INGREDIENTS: honey, pollen, ginseng, royal jelly, propolis, and guarana Without dyes or preservatives SEE Quantity DISCOUNT

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48%Up to €4.90
810%Up to €12.24
55 Items
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DESCRIPTION: ENERVITAM FORTE is an energy preparation based on Honey, Pollen, Propolis, Royal Jelly, Ginseng and Guarana. It is suitable for ages 13 and up. It quickly fights physical and mental fatigue, exhaustion related to seasonal changes, to support those who practice sports, intense work, intellectual activity and to improve immune defenses. Preservative-free METHOD OF USE: 1 to 2 teaspoons per di. Before breakfast or dissolved in it, before a sports engagement, before intellectual activity.
DI I03
55 Items
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