Botanical name: Betula pendula Roth Properties and benefits:-Depurative-Diuretic-Anti-inflammatory Extracts, infusions and tinctures of birch find indications in premenstrual syndrome, prevention of kidney stones and renella, edema from heart failure, in the presence of arterial hypertension, ascites, dizziness, as well as lower limb edema from venous insufficiency and cellulite.Birch's diuretic action makes it effective in the treatment and prevention of biliary calculosis and renella.It can be used, due to its diaphoretic properties, as an antiepiretic. By increasing sweating, they not only combat febrile states but also promote the elimination of toxins and bacteria, promoting purification of the body and urinary tract. (This product may undergo a natural variation in weight.) In 100 g, 200 g or 500 g package
How to prepare root decoction: 5g in a cup of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, strain and drink 3 cups a day.
Botanical name: Betula pendula Roth Properties and benefits:-Depurative-Diuretic-Anti-inflammatory Extracts, infusions and tinctures of birch find indications in premenstrual syndrome, prevention of kidney stones and renella, edema from heart failure, in the presence of arterial hypertension, ascites, dizziness, as well as lower limb edema from venous insufficiency and cellulite.Birch's diuretic action makes it effective in the treatment and prevention of biliary calculosis and renella.It can be used, due to its diaphoretic properties, as an antiepiretic. By increasing sweating, they not only combat febrile states but also promote the elimination of toxins and bacteria, promoting purification of the body and urinary tract. (This product may undergo a natural variation in weight.) In 100 g, 200 g or 500 g package