REFRACTOMETERS ON REQUEST Code 01569 Beer Refractometer - €69.00 Art. RSG32-ATC 2-scale beer refractometer with automatic temperature compensation. Measuring scales: 0 - 32% Brix 1000 - 112 Cod. 01568 Refractometer For balsamic vinegar and alim. - 81.00 € Art. SBR 0080 REF F6 108 1-scale refractometer 0-80% Brix div. 0.5% Brix Cod. 01566 Refractometer for batteries and coolants - 79.00 € Art. 4600 REF 402 -50/+20 °C, 1.15-1.30 p.s., batteries and coolants. Generally used in the mechanical field to test the validity of batteries Item No. 01565 Refractometer REF. 302-0-12 g/dl 1000-10450 p.s.- Protein - 79.00 € Art. 4500 REF 302 -0-12 g/dl, 1000-1050 p.s., 1.3330-1.3600 IR Protein 3-scale clinical model: 0-12 g/dl = for protein concentration Cod. 01564 Refractometer REF. 301-0-12 g/dl 1000-1040 p.s.- Protein - 79.00 € Art. 4450 REF 301 -0-12 g/dl, 1000-1040 p.s.- Protein Suitable for measuring protein concentration and specific gravity of urine Cod. 01563 REFractometer SALINITY REF. 202-0-28% - 79.00 € Art. 4400 REF. 202 -0-28% SALINITY` Suitable for measuring salt content in seawater and prepared foods expressed as sodium chloride Cod. 01562 SALINITY Refractometer REF. 211-0-100for MILLE - 79.00 € Art. 4350 REF 211-0-100for MILLE SALINITY with automatic temperature compensation. Same as mod. 201 with automatic temperature compensation. 10 to 30°C Ref. 01561 SALINITY Refractometer REF. 201-0-100 per MILLE - 79.00 € Art. 4300 REF 201 -0-100 per MILLE SALINITY Suitable for measuring salt concentration in seawater and prepared foods. Measuring scale: 0-100 per thousand Art. No. 01560 Refractometer REF. 107-0-90% BRIX - 79.00 € Art. 4250 REF 107 -0-90% Brix (3 scales) This model has 3 scales. Suitable for all substances with wide concentration. Measuring scale: 0-90% Brix Art. No. 01558 Refractometer REF. 105-45-82% BRIX - €81.00 Art. 4150 REF. 105 -45-82% Brix Suitable for many uses. Fruit juices, condensed milk, jams, fruit preserves. Measuring scale: 45-82% Brix Art. No. 01557 Refractometer REF. 104-28-62% BRIX - 79.00 € Art. 4100 REF 104 -28-62% Brix This model is ideal for concentrated juices and foods in boxes containing sugar. No. 01556 Refractometer REF. 113-0-32% BRIX-ATC - €69.00 Art. 4050 REF 113 0-32% Brix-ATC Model same as Art. 103 with automatic temperature compensation. Temperature compensation. No. 01555 Refractometer REF. 103-0-32% BRIX - 69,00 € Art. 4000 REF 103 -0-32% Brix This is the most widely used model because of the width of the scale. Used for musts, beverages, ice cream, etc. Measuring scale: 0-32% Brix Item No. 01554 Refractometer REF. 102-0-18% BRIX - 69.00 € Art. 3950 REF. 102 -0-18% Brix Precision model suitable for low concentrations. Used for fruit juices, soft drinks, spirits Art. No. 01553 Refractometer REF. 111-0-10% BRIX-ATC - 69.00 € Art. 3900 REF 111 -0-10% Brix with automatic temperature compensation. Same model as Art. 101 with automatic temperature compensation Code 01552 Refractometer REF. 101-0-10% BRIX - 69.00 € Art. 3850 REF. 101 -0-10% Brix Precision model suitable for low concentrations. Used for fruit juices with low concentrations, cut oils, vegetable , corn, olive Cod. 01551 Refractometer OECSHLE BABO BRIX - 63,00 € Art. 711 Refractometer with automatic temperature compensation with 3 scales 0-140 OECSHLE 0-26 BABO 0-32 BRIX Cod. 01550 VOL/Baumé Refractometer - 69.00 € Art. 504 VOL/Baumé Refractometer with 2 Baumé scales and approximate alcoholic degree Measuring scale 0-25% vol 0-20% Baumé Accuracy 0.2% vol Cod. 01559 Refractometer Art. 4200 REF. 106 Model used for measuring the 3 indices of honey, namely : sugar content, beaume´ and water content. Refractometers ( Method of use ) MANUAL REFRACTOMETERS The refractive index of a liquid containing sugar or other soluble solids is proportional to its concentration.
Guaranteed safety for consumers, bees, and Beehive products;Exact dosage for precise number of hives;Allowed in organic beekeeping;Easily soluble in sugar syrup at room temperature;Excellent efficacy (>96%) and tolerability;