Instructions for use Extraction: Use the supplied spatula to extract three whole larvae showing suspicious symptoms. Unscrew the lid of the extraction bottle. Deposit the larvae into the bottle, again using the spatula. Shake vigorously so that the larvae soak into the buffer solution. CAUTION - The bottle contains buffer solution and sodium azide; not to be used for human use. Carefully screw the lid back on and shake vigorously for about 20 seconds so that the larvae mix well with the buffer solution. Performing the test: Remove a test device from the aluminum package. WARNING Do not touch the viewing window. Unscrew the lid of the bottle and with the dropper provided, take a good amount of solute. For best results, draw out the solute immediately after shaking so as to prevent bacteria from settling out of the suspension. Hold the device horizontally and gently drop 2-3 drops into the 'well provided. Hold the device horizontally until the extract is absorbed (about 30 seconds) and blue coloration appears in the display window. Wait until the control line (indicated by the letter C) appears and read the result (about 1-3 minutes). Take care to dispose of the test in an environmentally friendly manner. At low temperatures, the test takes longer; the ideal temperature for the test is 18°C and above. Interpretation of resultsAfter 3 minutes, the control line should be clearly visible in the display window of the device. A positive result (indicated by the appearance of both the test line and the control line-see below) indicates that the pathogen sought is present in the sample, and that the larvae taken has been infected with American foulbrood. Note that even a faint T-line indicates a positive result.A negative result (only appearance of the control line, test line absent) indicates that the sample does not have American foulbrood pathogens. A negative test result does not guarantee the absence of AFB infection in some other part of the colony than the sample tested. Choose the sample with the utmost care.
Method of use: - Place the Beehive in a strategic location for swarm passage (preferably a sunny, mid-slope location with the opening facing south, raised off the ground about 30-50 cm, with one or more used and healthy wax panels inside). - Impregnate the inside walls of the Beehive and the entrance with 10 g of paste (one level tablespoon). - Repeat the operation if necessary after 10-15 days.
Apistan is an acaricide used to kill Varroa. The active ingredient is a synthetic pyrethroid tau-fluvalinate (or sometimes ?-fluvalinate). Synthetic in this case means that it is not a natural compound, but is produced using a chemical process.