Moxa stick
  • Moxa stick
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Stick Pack2 Moxa, or moxicombustion, is an ancient Chinese therapy based on the application of heat to acupuncture points. Heat, as a therapeutic principle, is all the more effective the smaller, but more intense, the source from which it radiates and the more localized its application, for example on acupuncture points, whose properties have been known for millennia.
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In the East, moxicombustion is practiced with the stick, or mugwort cigar. When incandescent, mugwort radiates a heat of 500 to 600° C and an infrared spectrum, which has been shown to be very effective in therapeutic settings. The heat and substances given off by glowing mugwort are able to penetrate the skin and spread throughout our bodies with therapeutic effects: these are the healing elements of this ancient technique. With moxa we can treat back pain, neck pain, joint pain, muscle contractures, inflammation due to fluid stagnation, prevent flu, tone and increase our body's energy. We will attach useful tips to your moxa on how to use it, illustrating which points on your body you should treat to achieve a healing effect.
BL 29-MS-A
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