REFRACTOMETERS ON REQUEST Code 01569 Beer Refractometer - €69.00 Art. RSG32-ATC 2-scale beer refractometer with automatic temperature compensation. Measuring scales: 0 - 32% Brix 1000 - 112 Cod. 01568 Refractometer For balsamic vinegar and alim. - 81.00 € Art. SBR 0080 REF F6 108 1-scale refractometer 0-80% Brix div. 0.5% Brix Cod. 01566 Refractometer for batteries and coolants - 79.00 € Art. 4600 REF 402 -50/+20 °C, 1.15-1.30 p.s., batteries and coolants. Generally used in the mechanical field to test the validity of batteries Item No. 01565 Refractometer REF. 302-0-12 g/dl 1000-10450 p.s.- Protein - 79.00 € Art. 4500 REF 302 -0-12 g/dl, 1000-1050 p.s., 1.3330-1.3600 IR Protein 3-scale clinical model: 0-12 g/dl = for protein concentration Cod. 01564 Refractometer REF. 301-0-12 g/dl 1000-1040 p.s.- Protein - 79.00 € Art. 4450 REF 301 -0-12 g/dl, 1000-1040 p.s.- Protein Suitable for measuring protein concentration and specific gravity of urine Cod. 01563 REFractometer SALINITY REF. 202-0-28% - 79.00 € Art. 4400 REF. 202 -0-28% SALINITY` Suitable for measuring salt content in seawater and prepared foods expressed as sodium chloride Cod. 01562 SALINITY Refractometer REF. 211-0-100for MILLE - 79.00 € Art. 4350 REF 211-0-100for MILLE SALINITY with automatic temperature compensation. Same as mod. 201 with automatic temperature compensation. 10 to 30°C Ref. 01561 SALINITY Refractometer REF. 201-0-100 per MILLE - 79.00 € Art. 4300 REF 201 -0-100 per MILLE SALINITY Suitable for measuring salt concentration in seawater and prepared foods. Measuring scale: 0-100 per thousand Art. No. 01560 Refractometer REF. 107-0-90% BRIX - 79.00 € Art. 4250 REF 107 -0-90% Brix (3 scales) This model has 3 scales. Suitable for all substances with wide concentration. Measuring scale: 0-90% Brix Art. No. 01558 Refractometer REF. 105-45-82% BRIX - €81.00 Art. 4150 REF. 105 -45-82% Brix Suitable for many uses. Fruit juices, condensed milk, jams, fruit preserves. Measuring scale: 45-82% Brix Art. No. 01557 Refractometer REF. 104-28-62% BRIX - 79.00 € Art. 4100 REF 104 -28-62% Brix This model is ideal for concentrated juices and foods in boxes containing sugar. No. 01556 Refractometer REF. 113-0-32% BRIX-ATC - €69.00 Art. 4050 REF 113 0-32% Brix-ATC Model same as Art. 103 with automatic temperature compensation. Temperature compensation. No. 01555 Refractometer REF. 103-0-32% BRIX - 69,00 € Art. 4000 REF 103 -0-32% Brix This is the most widely used model because of the width of the scale. Used for musts, beverages, ice cream, etc. Measuring scale: 0-32% Brix Item No. 01554 Refractometer REF. 102-0-18% BRIX - 69.00 € Art. 3950 REF. 102 -0-18% Brix Precision model suitable for low concentrations. Used for fruit juices, soft drinks, spirits Art. No. 01553 Refractometer REF. 111-0-10% BRIX-ATC - 69.00 € Art. 3900 REF 111 -0-10% Brix with automatic temperature compensation. Same model as Art. 101 with automatic temperature compensation Code 01552 Refractometer REF. 101-0-10% BRIX - 69.00 € Art. 3850 REF. 101 -0-10% Brix Precision model suitable for low concentrations. Used for fruit juices with low concentrations, cut oils, vegetable , corn, olive Cod. 01551 Refractometer OECSHLE BABO BRIX - 63,00 € Art. 711 Refractometer with automatic temperature compensation with 3 scales 0-140 OECSHLE 0-26 BABO 0-32 BRIX Cod. 01550 VOL/Baumé Refractometer - 69.00 € Art. 504 VOL/Baumé Refractometer with 2 Baumé scales and approximate alcoholic degree Measuring scale 0-25% vol 0-20% Baumé Accuracy 0.2% vol Cod. 01559 Refractometer Art. 4200 REF. 106 Model used for measuring the 3 indices of honey, namely : sugar content, beaume´ and water content. Refractometers ( Method of use ) MANUAL REFRACTOMETERS The refractive index of a liquid containing sugar or other soluble solids is proportional to its concentration.
Its unique shape allows it to be placed on all Beehives, Dadant Blatt, with or without a porch, and Langstroth polystyrene Beehives The pollen detachable grid with trapezoidal hole for bee passage has the ability to rotate to be held open or closed. The grids have 3 rows at the bottom, while laterally the bee passage goes up.A rib on both faces of the grid, at the holes and beyond, allows the bees to cling to then pass more easily.If at the placement of the trap on the Beehive, the pollen collection plate is left open, it makes it easier for the bees to recognize a new passage, reducing once it is lowered (closed) any entanglement.A very wide slit, before the pollen collection tray, allows the bees to remove dirt from the Beehive.Two side holes serve as drones passageA very wide roof provides good shelter for the trap from the weather. The tray, has excellent aeration and can hold up to 800 gr. of pollen. The professional pollen trap also comes with an anti Asian wasp net.The anti wasp net, lowered allows the bees to enter and exit with much more peace of mind since, the Asian wasp or velutin wasp cannot attack the beesThe trap is made entirely of 100% recyclable food grade plastic material, assembled without the use of screws, nails or toxic glues.