Beehives d. b. 6-frame white high-density polystyrene honeycomb with anti-varroa bottom
  • Beehives d. b. 6-frame white high-density polystyrene honeycomb with anti-varroa bottom
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Beehives Beehives Beehive Blatt 6-frame HIGH DENSITY in white polystyrene with lid, 25 mm thick walls.DENSITY 100/100Width: 27.5 cmThe bottom of the beehive is equipped with a large anti-varroa net (mm 350×200)The measurements are standard for 6-frame Beehives (Dadant Blatt)It is equipped with a removable diagnostic drawer below the net : it is made of honeycomb polypropylene - easily cleaned.The lid fits perfectly, has a circular pre-cut to allow the possible use of a Baravalle feeder.Comes complete with lid,cap and bulkhead for diagnostic drawer. For accessories see below
Accessories:Feeders to cover hive d.b. 6-frame white polystyrene beehives (PI 0612)Disc hive door for polystyrene beehives (PI 0729)Front reinforcing spacer for d.b. 6-frame polystyrene beehives 25mm thick (PI 114/N)Side reinforcing guide for d.b. 6-frame polystyrene beehives. 6-frame hive 25mm thick (PI 730)Electrowelded box roof for d.b. 6-frame polystyrene beehives (FO 1042)Mesh cover for d.b. 6-frame hive transport (PI 38/A)Steel grid queen excluder for 6-frame Honey super (QI E02X)Honey super for d.b. 6-frame hive in painted wood (PI 34/A4)
PI 0064/C
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