Beehives d. b. 6-frame polystyrene honeycomb divided into 2 high-density with double feeder
  • Beehives d. b. 6-frame polystyrene honeycomb divided into 2 high-density with double feeder
  • Beehives d. b. 6-frame polystyrene honeycomb divided into 2 high-density with double feeder
  • Beehives d. b. 6-frame polystyrene honeycomb divided into 2 high-density with double feeder
  • Beehives d. b. 6-frame polystyrene honeycomb divided into 2 high-density with double feeder
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Beehive made of expanded polystyrene (PSE) with high density and suitable for food use.DENSITY 100/100Structured to be able to insert a dividing wall that allows the Beehive to be used with two families (3 frames + 3 frames).The two hanging feeders each have capacities greater than 2 L and allow both families to be fed at the same time.Equipped with a large ventilation net at the bottom and fitted with a removable honeycomb polypropylene diagnostic drawer for varroa control.Comes complete with lid, two inlet plugs, two pocket feeders, ventilation net and diagnostic drawer.Width: 28 cmFor accessories see below
12 Items
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Accessories:White polystyrene 6-frame Beehive d.b. cover feeder (PI 0612)Polystyrene disc hive door (PI 0729)Electrowelded box roof for 6-frame Beehives d.b. 6-frame polystyrene beehives (FO 1042)Mesh cover for 6-frame d.b. hive transport (PI 38/A)Steel grid queen excluder for 6-frame hive (QI E02X)Honey super for 6-frame d.b. hive in painted wood (PI 34/A4)
PI 612/DIV2
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