Nucleus hive of fertilization D.B. 6 combs, divided into two
PI 0748/A
Tax included
Nucleus hive Dadant Blatt 6-frame cube made of fertilization wood, water-painted 25 mm thickSolo nest(frames not included)- Use D.B. nest frames- Divided in two lengthwise with a galvanized sheet- With 2 feeder covers- Fixed bottom and roof made of electrowelded sheet metal
Beehives D.B. Standard 6-frame Beehive made of 25m m thick wood, nest only Divided into two halves by means of a sheet metal positioned in the center Complete with 2 wooden honeycomb covers with rising hole and sheet metal closing flap, sheet metal lined wooden roof, anti-moth net bottom, galvanized sheet metal tray, transport template, wood-carved handles, metal door. Painted with environmentally friendly water-based paint