Apigo - alimento complementario para familias de abejas - 1 sobre
CL 008
12,50 €
Impuestos incluidos
ApiGO- alimento complementario para abejas, a base de dextrinas de malta, extracto de levadura y vitaminasSaco de 20 g CUÁNDO USAR: primavera (febrero/marzo) - otoño (agosto/septiembre)PRODUCTO AUTORIZADO PARA USO VETERINARIOCaracterísticas del producto en la sección (DESCARGA)
Api GO se presenta en sobres desechables que contienen una cantidad de producto en polvo, óptima para tratar a 20 familias durante 1 vez. Disolver todo el contenido del sobre monodosis en 1 litro de agua. Debe conservarse en un lugar fresco y seco, a ser posible fuera de la luz solar directa y, en cualquier caso, alejado de fuentes de calor hasta su uso. Una vez disuelta en agua, la solución debe conservarse en el frigorífico y es importante no utilizarla más de 48 horas después de su preparación. Gotee unos 5 cc de esta solución en cada marco poblado por abejas. El producto también puede administrarse por pulverización sobre adultos y panales; en este caso, es aconsejable suspenderlo en unos 4 litros de agua, pulverizando cada Colmena con 200 ml del preparado.Repetir la administración al menos tres veces por semana, durante el periodo primaveral o antes de la invernada.
Dosa-Laif is the dispenser created to quickly and easily measure and administer solutions such as Api-Bioxal, ApiHerb, SuperBee, ApiGo and Micostop and will make you forget the classic syringe. - 100% MADE IN ITALY; - softer, wider bottle to ensure greater stability and easier pressure; - wider exit holes that allow dosing of even denser solutions such as ApiHerb and Superbee; - one-piece cap with spout.
Add alcohol diluted in water in a ratio of 1:4 to the container . Take 200-300 bees directly using the transparent container and place them in the inner basket. Close the container with the lid and dip the bees into the liquid, then add liquid up to the marked mark. Seal the lid and shake the jar for 1 minute to separate the bees from the mites. Remove the basket with the bees and count through the transparent container the number of mites. HOW TO CALCULATE THE PERCENTAGE OF VARROA: If 300 bees are used, divide the number of mites by 3. If 200 bees are used, divide the number of mites by 2. Suggested periods for monitoring: LATE WINTER/Spring to assess possible spring treatment - DURING HARVEST to assess the need for any treatment between harvests - AFTER HARVEST to determine which treatment strategy to use in the fall/winter.
Using brewer's yeast in PROTEIN NUTRITION will result in more populous Beehives and longer longevity. Store in a dry, cool place out of direct sunlight Composition: Protein min. 40 %, Moisture max. 6 %, Crude Fat 1 %, Crude Cellulose 1 %, Minerals 14 %, Amino Acids 16 %, Vitamins 17 &% METHOD OF SUMMARY : AS SUPPLIED - In spring, after flutter cleaning, yeast is placed in front of Beehives in wide-mouthed pots. Training is done at the entrance. The amount of yeast collected can amount to 200 g/day/family. IN ENERGO-PROTEIC CAKES - 6 kg powdered sugar is mixed with 1 kg yeast. It is homogenized well, and then 2 kg bee honey is added. You mix all the ingredients and correct the consistency by adding honey.It is given in spring, autumn and dry summers in the form of 200 g cakes. IN SYRUP - maximum 10% well homogenized (1 kg yeast + 9 kg syrup). Administration is done after the honey has been harvested and extracted. Only the amount needed for one administration is prepared. If within 2-3 days the mixture is not consumed, the feeding jars are removed and cleaned. THE BENEFITS OF THE USE OF ISTANT INACTIVATED BEER YEAST IN THE FEEDING OF BEES -It enhances the appropriate development of bee families, in a manner to reach maximum development at the beginning of the great harvests from nature. -In the fall it helps in the formation of the fat body. Stimulates bee families to regain headcount and start faster. Stimulates potency. By replacing pollen brewer's yeast from unsafe sources limits the risk of diseases (loca, nosema, the black disease, etc.).