EL ESPACIADOR AHORRA ABEJAS Y MANÍA Según cómo se monte en la colmena, ya sea fresado al ras a la manera clásica, o 6,5 mm más alto método "ahorra espacio para las abejas", permite a las abejas disponer de dos pasos, uno bajo la cabeza del panal, y el segundo, entre el lateral del panal y la pared de la colmena. Los bordes redondeados del espaciador evitan ofender las manos del apicultor.
The position of the central hole, into which all the liquid product flows due to the sloping bottom, allows you to also place a 1 L round feeder, or use it as it comes complete with a transparent plastic cover bell (Art. QI C97). For solid food (paste candy), it is used without a bell by directly placing the bag of paste candy (previously cutting on the bag, a disk equal to the diameter of the bell) instead of the bell the bees pass through the side slits feeding without finding obstacles due to the position of the bag, or in the case that, bulk candy is used, it is placed inside the feeder always without a bell.