CANDIFRUCT is a paste consisting of sugar (sucrose) with balanced addition of glucose-fructose syrup that is obtained by a gentle steaming process. Due to its very fine crystals and the presence of fructose, it is very palatable and easily assimilated by bees. The presence of fructose gives softness, mellowness and texture to the product, avoiding hardening problems. CANDIFRUCT is the ideal food for the winter maintenance of families, especially in the absence of stocks. e. It is a very practical product as it can be fed to bees without the need for specific feeders.
EL ESPACIADOR AHORRA ABEJAS Y MANÍA Según cómo se monte en la colmena, ya sea fresado al ras a la manera clásica, o 6,5 mm más alto método "ahorra espacio para las abejas", permite a las abejas disponer de dos pasos, uno bajo la cabeza del panal, y el segundo, entre el lateral del panal y la pared de la colmena. Los bordes redondeados del espaciador evitan ofender las manos del apicultor.