Ahumador de acero inoxidable con un diámetro de 10 cm. Manta de cuero de vinilo y madera desmontable con tornillos de fijación. Red antiquemaduras de acero inoxidable fácilmente desmontable.
AIR TECH fabric is a breathable fabric, suitable for those who particularly suffer from heat. The special mesh it is made of allows breathability while providing protection from DOTS.
Puede utilizarse tanto para alimentos líquidos como sólidos. Se suministra con tapa y placa de acero para detener a las abejas. Para cerrar el comedero se utiliza la tapa de poliestireno de la colmena.
Add alcohol diluted in water in a ratio of 1:4 to the container . Take 200-300 bees directly using the transparent container and place them in the inner basket. Close the container with the lid and dip the bees into the liquid, then add liquid up to the marked mark. Seal the lid and shake the jar for 1 minute to separate the bees from the mites. Remove the basket with the bees and count through the transparent container the number of mites. HOW TO CALCULATE THE PERCENTAGE OF VARROA: If 300 bees are used, divide the number of mites by 3. If 200 bees are used, divide the number of mites by 2. Suggested periods for monitoring: LATE WINTER/Spring to assess possible spring treatment - DURING HARVEST to assess the need for any treatment between harvests - AFTER HARVEST to determine which treatment strategy to use in the fall/winter.