Colmena caliente top dadant b.
  • Colmena caliente top dadant b.
  • Colmena caliente top dadant b.
  • Colmena caliente top dadant b.
  • Colmena caliente top dadant b.
141,00 €
Impuestos incluidos
Beehive D.B. complete "WARM HONEY" wooden Beehive, with Antivarroa Bottom, Wire Cover (dim. Beehives D.B. 10 frames), Electro Welded Sheet Metal Roof (dim. Beehives D.B. 10 frames), Painted Complete with: 12 SPECIFIC DRILLED FRAMES without wire and 1 DIAFRAM (N.B: Dimensions are as Beehive D.B. 10 honeycombs, except natural nest-shaped frames) - HONEY super frames to be placed are D.B. 10 Classic Beehives
Fuera de stock
The TOP Warm Honeycomb Beehive is complete with: anti-varroa bottom; 12 specific frames; 1 specific diaphragm; wire cover; roof; 12-mounted spacers; painting.
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