Nido de madera tipo colmena para fecundación de reinas con comedero
  • Nido de madera tipo colmena para fecundación de reinas con comedero
  • Nuclero de reinas en apidea de tipo madera
31,00 €
Impuestos incluidos
Fertilization Nucleus hive for Queen Bees in wood type APIDEA nest - Frames NOT included (Code HY T-0007) No. 5 per nestNest Dimensions: Width : 150 mm - Depth: 240 mm - Height: 260 mmOPTIONS: - Wooden feeder cover a (Code PI 0065/B)- Wooden Honey super (Code PI 0065/C) - Frames NOT included (Code HY T-0007) No. 7 per honeycombWood parts are not painted
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En stock
Nucleus hive is itself weather-resistant. However, if you intend to paint it, you should avoid using paints that contain chemical thinners. Water-based paint is best.
PI 0065/AB
16 Artículos