Guantes desechables de látex PALMPRO (paquete de 50)
BI 02324M
12,50 €
10,50 €Ahorre un 2,00 €
Impuestos incluidos
Guante desechable de látex sin polvo de alta protección. Color azul. Paquete de 50 unidades. Guante desechable de CAUCHO NATURAL LATEX en color azul de alta resistencia, sometido a proceso de cloración por lo tanto con muy bajo contenido en proteínas (<50µg/g) y sin polvo lubricante. Ambidiestro con ribete, acabado interior mate y exterior micro rugoso, espesor y longitud aumentados. Alta sensibilidad, destreza y confort. Excelente elasticidad incluso a bajas temperaturas. Excelente resistencia química a detergentes diluidos y soluciones acuosas de compuestos en general. Excelente elasticidad incluso a bajas temperaturas.
- Producto Sanitario de Clase Iª de conformidad con el Reglamento (UE) 2017/745. Clasificación Nacional de Productos Sanitarios (CND) de conformidad con el Decreto del Ministerio de Sanidad de 8 de junio de 2016: Cod. T010201. D.M. inscrito en el Repertorio de Productos Sanitarios conforme al Decreto Ministerial de Sanidad de 20.2.2007 y sus modificaciones. Conforme a las normas EN 455 1,2,3,4. - Equipo de Protección Individual de Tipo B contra productos químicos y microorganismos, incluidos los virus, para su uso en actividades incluidas en la categoría de riesgo III (Reglamento (UE) 2016/425). Conforme a las Normas Técnicas EN ISO 374-1:2016 +A1:2018 , EN ISO 374-5:2016 y EN 420:2003 + A1:2009 armonizadas al Reglamento (UE) 2016/425.
BI 02324M
97 Artículos
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WINTER DRIPED: Dosage: drip with syringe 8-10 ml of warm solution per frame. Use 50-80 ml per colony Preparation: for a 275 g bottle add 275 g sugar and mix (1:1 solution) DRILLED OR SPRAYED SUMMER: Dosage: for swarms use 20-25 ml per kg of bee mass, for nuclei and colonies without brood spray 2-4 ml per side of frame. Preparation: for 275 g bottle add 250 ml of drinking water.Posology and route of administration The product should be used as follows : A) Application by drip: Preparation of ready-to-use 3.5% (m/V) oxalic acid dihydrate solution for drip: Pre-heat the container of oxalic acid dihydrate solution in a water bath (30-35 °C). Remove from the water bath and open the sealed container. Add the required amount of sugar (sucrose) of the type used for bee feeding: - 275 g sugar when using the 275 g bottle - 1 kg sugar when using the 1000 g bottle Close the container and shake vigorously until the sugar has completely dissolved. The solution is ready for use and should be applied lukewarm. Administration Fill a syringe (60 ml) or similar device through the wide opening of the container with the required amount of ready-to-use solution to treat one colony. The dose per frame is : 0.25 ml/dm2 for Western/Central Europe and 0.4 ml/dm2 for Southern Europe. For two-chamber Beehives, drip the lower nest first and then the upper nest. Mite drop will continue for 3 weeks The ready-to-use drip solution is sufficient to treat 6 to 15 colonies when using the 275 g bottle or 20 to 50 colonies when using the 1000 g bottle. The ready-to-use drip solution should be used immediately and cannot be stored after preparation. B) Application by spraying: Preparation of ready-to-use 3% (m/V) solution of oxalic acid dihydrate for spraying: Add drinking water to the solution: - 250 g (250 ml) of drinking water when using the 275 g bottle; - 900 g (900 ml) of drinking water when using the 1,000 g bottle, Close the container and shake. The solution is now ready for use. Administration Fill a hand sprayer or similar device with the required amount of ready-to-use solution to treat one colony. Spray 2-4 ml of solution on each side of the frame covered by the bees. If only half of the frame is covered with bees, the dosage should be reduced by 50%. The maximum dose is 80 ml. The total volume required varies according to the type of Beehive: - Colonies without brood, artificial colonies without brood or swarms newly placed in the Beehive should be treated with a dose of 0.3 ml/dm2 of frame completely covered with bees and for most hives. - Swarms, artificial swarms in glomeres should be sprayed with 20-25 ml of ready-to-use spray solution per kg of bees. For accurate spray dosing with your hand sprayer, spray 10 times into a measuring cup and calculate the volume for each pumping action. Calculate how many pumping actions are needed to treat one side of the frame. The frames should be sprayed at a 45° angle so as to minimize direct spraying into the cells. Mite fall will continue for 3 weeks. Treat swarm, artificial swarm or artificial broodless colony in spring/summer as a single treatment when most bees are inside the Beehive (in the evening). The ready-to-use spraying solution is sufficient to treat 5 to 10 colonies using the 275g bottle or 25 to 40 colonies using the large 1,000g bottle.
ARNICA FORTE ANGUMENTO con Hierba de San Juan y Gaulteria - 50 ml Remedio clásico para fuertes traumatismos y dolores musculares y articulares. Tiene una formulación moderna, sin vaselina sintética, completamente natural y rica en principios activos específicos que actúan en sinergia para aliviar inmediatamente el dolor. Está marcado Vegan Ok ya que contiene exclusivamente materias primas de origen vegetal. INDICACIONES: útil para masajes y aplicaciones localizadas en la zona dolorida, para todos los deportistas, para quienes realizan trabajos físicamente exigentes y para prevenir la reagudización del dolor. PRINCIPIOS ACTIVOS: Aceite esencial de gaulteria y salicilato de metilo: antirreumático y analgésico; extracto de árnica: antiinflamatorio, analgésico, antieccémico; extracto de hipérico: calmante, eudérmico y descongestionante; manteca de karité?Alcanfor en polvo: analgésico, analgésico local, antirreumático, antimicrobiano y revulsivo, aumenta el flujo sanguíneo favoreciendo la eliminación de toxinas Mentol: analgésico, descongestionante, antiprurito, vasoconstrictor