STICK PROTECTOR labial con propóleo y aloe. 99,40% producto natural. 5,5 ml. Nutre y protege tus labios. SUSTANCIAS FUNCIONALES: cera de abeja, manteca de karité, aceite de oliva, propóleo, aloe, aceite de árbol de té, ácido hialurónico.
The percentage of laurel determines its greater value; there are soaps that contain from 4% to 60% laurel oil. For particularly sensitive skin, it is advisable to use the soap with a lower percentage of laurel. Used on the face it cleanses and thoroughly cleanses the skin and removes impurities, since laurel is a can antibacterial, but at the same time you do not risk drying out the epidermis because thanks to its composition it is a very gentle cleanser. Suitable and effective for those with oily or impure skin because it has an important balancing function, and it is an excellent ally in case of skin problems such as acne and psoriasis. The benefits of this soap do not end there, however, in fact it has soothing properties, making it a very useful product for hair removal and shaving.It has anti-allergic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and nourishing properties.
Propiedades: es conocida por sus propiedades cicatrizantes, antioxidantes, inmunoestimulantes, anestésicas y antiinflamatorias y se considera un verdadero antibiótico natural. USO: 15-20 gotas dispersas en un poco de agua, miel o azúcar, 2 ó 3 veces al día.