Environmental changes, the spread of exotic pathogens, the use of agropharmaceuticals and an increasingly hostile environment in general have created a constant emergency situation for bees that must be addressed through proper management and veterinary practices. Knowing how to manage a situation presupposes skills that can be acquired through constant training and updating of those involved. The main aspects of bee biology and pathology, as individuals and especially as Beehives, are clearly and comprehensively addressed in this book. In addition to the traditional subdivision of diseases between parasitic, bacterial, viral and fungal diseases, an attempt has been made to expose the subject matter according to criteria of relevance by taking advantage of new research in etiology and diagnostic techniques. A rich and up-to-date regulatory appendix gives the necessary information on ministerial "Guidelines" and major legislative topics. The authors address the thousands of beekeepers operating in Italy, as well as the many operators of public veterinary services, technical staff and students.
3 Artículos
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