Apifor60 - formic acid-based drug against varroa - 1 L
18,00 €
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Apifor60- 60% aqueous solution of FORMIUM ACID - 1 L Conf. AUTHORIZED PRODUCT FOR VETERINARY USE THIS PRODUCT MAY ONLY BE SOLD IN ITALY Technical data sheet see attached
The unique feature of Apifor60 is the constant and continuous release of reduced doses of formic acid over an extended period of time through the use of suitable evaporators
The unique feature of Apifor60 is the constant and continuous release of reduced doses of formic acid over an extended period of time through the use of suitable evaporators
79,00 €Precio
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The cap is totally resistant to the action of formic acid and features an anti-drip system with patented technology that ensures controlled liquid flow.
WINTER DRIP: Dosage: drip with syringe 8-10 ml of warm solution per frame. Use 50-80 ml per colony Preparation: per 1000 g bottle add 1 kg sugar and mix (1:1 solution) DRILLED OR SPRUZZLED SUMMER: Dosage: for swarms use 20-25 ml per kg mass of bees, for nuclei and colonies without brood spray 2-4 ml per side of frame. Preparation: for 1000 g bottle add 900 ml of drinking water. Posology and route of administration The product should be used as follows : A) Application by drip: Preparation of ready-to-use 3.5% (m/V) oxalic acid dihydrate solution for drip: Preheat the container of oxalic acid dihydrate solution in a water bath (30-35 °C). Remove from the water bath and open the sealed container. Add the required amount of sugar (sucrose) of the type used for bee feeding: - 275 g sugar when using the 275 g bottle - 1 kg sugar when using the 1000 g bottle Close the container and shake vigorously until the sugar has completely dissolved. The solution is ready for use and should be applied lukewarm. Administration Fill a syringe (60 ml) or similar device through the wide opening of the container with the required amount of ready-to-use solution to treat one colony. The dose per frame is : 0.25 ml/dm2 for Western/Central Europe and 0.4 ml/dm2 for Southern Europe. For two-chamber Beehives, drip the lower nest first and then the upper nest. Mite drop will continue for 3 weeks The ready-to-use drip solution is sufficient to treat 6 to 15 colonies when using the 275 g bottle or 20 to 50 colonies when using the 1000 g bottle. The ready-to-use drip solution should be used immediately and cannot be stored after preparation. B) Application by spraying: Preparation of ready-to-use 3% (m/V) solution of oxalic acid dihydrate for spraying: Add drinking water to the solution: - 250 g (250 ml) of drinking water when using the 275 g bottle; - 900 g (900 ml) of drinking water when using the 1,000 g bottle, Close the container and shake. The solution is now ready for use. Administration Fill a hand sprayer or similar device with the required amount of ready-to-use solution to treat one colony. Spray 2-4 ml of solution on each side of the frame covered by the bees. If only half of the frame is covered with bees, the dosage should be reduced by 50%. The maximum dose is 80 ml. The total volume required varies according to the type of Beehive: - Colonies without brood, artificial colonies without brood or swarms newly placed in the Beehive should be treated with a dose of 0.3 ml/dm2 of frame completely covered with bees and for most hives. - Swarms, artificial swarms in glomeres should be sprayed with 20-25 ml of ready-to-use spray solution per kg of bees. For accurate spray dosing with your hand sprayer, spray 10 times into a measuring cup and calculate the volume for each pumping action. Calculate how many pumping actions are needed to treat one side of the frame. The frames should be sprayed at a 45° angle so as to minimize direct spraying into the cells. Mite fall will continue for 3 weeks. Treat swarm, artificial swarm or artificial broodless colony in spring/summer as a single treatment when most bees are inside the Beehive (in the evening). The ready-to-use spraying solution is sufficient to treat 5 to 10 colonies using the 275g bottle or 25 to 40 colonies using the large 1,000g bottle.
Cómo realizar el tratamiento 1) Limpie los cuadros centrales de residuos de cera y propóleos, donde se colocará el evaporador.2) Ponga la Colmena "en burbuja". 3) El evaporador "BioLetalVarroa fórmico" dispensa una cantidad muy pequeña de ácido fórmico (de liberación continua), suficiente para romper gradualmente la Varroa naciente, y no; por lo que es aconsejable realizar un tratamiento con ácido oxálico sublimado (se recomienda el sublimador BioLetalVarroa), para romper la máxima cantidad de Varroa fuera de la cría y continuar, 3-4 días después, con el tratamiento utilizando "BioLetalVarroa fórmico".4) Llenar el dosificador con la cantidad necesaria para un único tratamiento de 25 días, es decir, aproximadamente 360 g de ácido fórmico al 85%, a través de los dos orificios previstos para alojar las esponjas, colocándolo verticalmente y, a continuación, cerrarlo con los dos tapones previstos en el envase hasta su colocación en la Colmena.55.) Cuando compruebe la gota de Varroa, se recomienda no limpiar la bandeja de Varroa con un cepillo, sino trabajar con un recogedor o posiblemente usar una máscara protectora, para evitar inhalar cualquier residuo de ácido oxálico.6) Coloque el dispensador encima de los marcos en el centro de la familia, retirando las tapas de los extremos e introduciendo las dos esponjas en los orificios previstos, encajándolas verticalmente hasta que toquen el fondo.7) Cierre la colmena con la tapa invertida si está equipada con un marco de 55 mm. En caso contrario, añada un marco del mismo tamaño y cierre la colmena normalmente8) Para funcionar en condiciones óptimas, la Colmena debe protegerse con un aislante (se recomienda poliestireno s20-25mm) para evitar el sobrecalentamiento inducido por el sol, permitiendo así que el evaporador funcione exclusivamente a la temperatura natural de la familia de las abejas. 9) Para el tratamiento de los núcleos, el procedimiento es el mismo que para las colmenas. Sin embargo, se recomienda cerrar uno de los dos orificios con el tapón, introduciendo sólo una esponja de evaporación en el segundo orificio.10) Si las condiciones climáticas inducen un sobrecalentamiento excesivo, que no puede reducirse con el aislamiento, se recomienda acortar la altura de las esponjas, comprobando que la evaporación diaria no supera los 14-18 g.11) Una vez finalizado el tratamiento, se puede vaciar el recipiente del ácido residual, que puede reutilizarse para otros tratamientos.
USE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ASPRONOVAR:A) For Beehives- 3 small bottles filled with 200 ml/cad- felt wick 3 cm long- frame placement outside the broods- inverted honeycomb or empty Honey super to act as a lung- treatment times 14/21 days depending on varroa fall- intervention between mid-July and mid-August (need to do post treatment at least 2 brood cycles)B) For nuclei- 3 small bottles filled with 100 ml/cad.- 2 cm long felt wick- positioning frame in contact with polystyrene/wood wall- empty honeycomb to act as a lung- treatment time 14/21 days depending on varroa fall- intervention between mid-July and mid-August (need to do post treatment at least 2 brood cycles) WHY CHOOSE IT: - Gradual spread with possibility to manage evaporation- Low mortality of queen bees- Stability in ant temperature- High efficacy rate- Safe for operator