VETERINARY MEDICINAL NAME: APITRAZ 500 mg Beehive Strips for Bees / Amitraz INDICATION OF ACTIVE PRINCIPLE AND OTHER INGREDIENTS Each strip contains: Active ingredient: Amitraz 500 mg INDICATIONS: Treatment of external parasitosis caused by Varroa destructor sensitive to amitraz. SPECIES OF DESTINATION: Bees (Apis mellifera) POSOLOGY FOR EACH SPECIES, WAY AND METHOD OF SOMMINISTRATION USE IN THE BEehive Use 2 strips per Beehive, hang each strip between 2 combs of honey stocks. Place the 2 strips between 2 combs where bees show the most passing activity. Hang the strips in a way that allows bees free access to both sides while maintaining bee space. Beehive TYPES: Dadant-type Beehives, place one strip between the 3rd and 4th honeycomb and the other strip between the 7th and 8th honeycomb WARNINGS FOR CORRECT SUMMARY The strips should be removed after 6 weeks. Strips should not be cut. The product should be used when the amount of brood is low compared to maximum levels. In addition, the product should be applied when the bees are still active, that is, before the bees form the glomere; the exact time of administration may vary among different climate zones. Therefore, brood levels and climatic conditions should be considered before applying the product. HONEY WAITING TIME : 0 days . DO NOT USE during honey harvest. WARNING: THE SALE OF THIS MEDICATION 'ALLOWED ONLY IN ITALY. ORDERS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. ATTENTION: LA VENTE DE CE MÉDICAMENT 'ADMIS SEULEMENT EN ITALIE. ORDRESD'AUTRES PAYS NE SERONT PAS TRAITÉES.
APIVAR - tiras de colmena para abejas, envase de 10. características del producto en la sección (DESCARGA) Cómo actúa ApivarEl principio activo amitraz tiene actividad insecticida y acaricida por contacto. inhibe la transmisión neuronal causando neurotoxicidad. El parásito queda paralizado y se elimina de forma natural por gravedad en el medio ambiente.Apivar está indicado por tanto para la prevención y el tratamiento de las afecciones parasitarias externas debidas a Varroa jacobsoni o Varroa destructor.Modo de empleo de ApivarUtilizar 2 tiras de Apivar por Colmena (10 cuadros). Separar las tiras dobles y colocar cada tira entre dos cuadros móviles de la cámara de cría o entre grupos de abejas, manteniendo una distancia de dos cuadros entre cada tira. Suspender el tratamiento del producto en la cámara de cría para que las abejas puedan moverse a ambos lados de la tira.