Tarro de cristal Queen para miel 1000 g con Tapa TO 82
AI 1000g +TO 82AL
0,76 €
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TARRO DE VIDRIO REGINA para MIEL 1000 g - 770 ml con Tapa twist-off TO 82 (diam. 82 mm) h= 136 mm - Diam. = 97 mm - peso = 315 g EN TERMOPACKS de 15 unidades (La cantidad pedida se refiere a tarros individuales, no a termopacks)
WINTER DRIPED: Dosage: drip with syringe 8-10 ml of warm solution per frame. Use 50-80 ml per colony Preparation: for a 275 g bottle add 275 g sugar and mix (1:1 solution) DRILLED OR SPRAYED SUMMER: Dosage: for swarms use 20-25 ml per kg of bee mass, for nuclei and colonies without brood spray 2-4 ml per side of frame. Preparation: for 275 g bottle add 250 ml of drinking water.Posology and route of administration The product should be used as follows : A) Application by drip: Preparation of ready-to-use 3.5% (m/V) oxalic acid dihydrate solution for drip: Pre-heat the container of oxalic acid dihydrate solution in a water bath (30-35 °C). Remove from the water bath and open the sealed container. Add the required amount of sugar (sucrose) of the type used for bee feeding: - 275 g sugar when using the 275 g bottle - 1 kg sugar when using the 1000 g bottle Close the container and shake vigorously until the sugar has completely dissolved. The solution is ready for use and should be applied lukewarm. Administration Fill a syringe (60 ml) or similar device through the wide opening of the container with the required amount of ready-to-use solution to treat one colony. The dose per frame is : 0.25 ml/dm2 for Western/Central Europe and 0.4 ml/dm2 for Southern Europe. For two-chamber Beehives, drip the lower nest first and then the upper nest. Mite drop will continue for 3 weeks The ready-to-use drip solution is sufficient to treat 6 to 15 colonies when using the 275 g bottle or 20 to 50 colonies when using the 1000 g bottle. The ready-to-use drip solution should be used immediately and cannot be stored after preparation. B) Application by spraying: Preparation of ready-to-use 3% (m/V) solution of oxalic acid dihydrate for spraying: Add drinking water to the solution: - 250 g (250 ml) of drinking water when using the 275 g bottle; - 900 g (900 ml) of drinking water when using the 1,000 g bottle, Close the container and shake. The solution is now ready for use. Administration Fill a hand sprayer or similar device with the required amount of ready-to-use solution to treat one colony. Spray 2-4 ml of solution on each side of the frame covered by the bees. If only half of the frame is covered with bees, the dosage should be reduced by 50%. The maximum dose is 80 ml. The total volume required varies according to the type of Beehive: - Colonies without brood, artificial colonies without brood or swarms newly placed in the Beehive should be treated with a dose of 0.3 ml/dm2 of frame completely covered with bees and for most hives. - Swarms, artificial swarms in glomeres should be sprayed with 20-25 ml of ready-to-use spray solution per kg of bees. For accurate spray dosing with your hand sprayer, spray 10 times into a measuring cup and calculate the volume for each pumping action. Calculate how many pumping actions are needed to treat one side of the frame. The frames should be sprayed at a 45° angle so as to minimize direct spraying into the cells. Mite fall will continue for 3 weeks. Treat swarm, artificial swarm or artificial broodless colony in spring/summer as a single treatment when most bees are inside the Beehive (in the evening). The ready-to-use spraying solution is sufficient to treat 5 to 10 colonies using the 275g bottle or 25 to 40 colonies using the large 1,000g bottle.
CANDIFRUCT es una pasta compuesta de azúcar (sacarosa) con una adición equilibrada de jarabe de glucosa-fructosa, que se obtiene mediante un proceso de vaporización suave. Gracias a sus cristales muy finos y a la presencia de fructosa, es muy palatable y fácilmente asimilable por las abejas. La presencia de fructosa confiere al producto suavidad, melosidad y consistencia y evita los problemas de endurecimiento. CANDIFRUCT es el alimento ideal para el mantenimiento invernal de las familias, especialmente en ausencia de reservas. Es un producto muy práctico, ya que puede suministrarse a las abejas sin necesidad de comederos específicos.
TARRO DE VIDRIO REGINA para MIEL 1000 g - 770 ml con Tapa twist-off TO 82 (diam. 82 mm) h= 136 mm - Diam. = 97 mm - peso = 315 g EN TERMOPACKS de 15 unidades (La cantidad pedida se refiere a tarros individuales, no a termopacks)