Trampa de madera para polen Colmena dadant b. cubo 10 cuadros
PI 252/B
38,00 €
Impuestos incluidos
¡COLECTOR DE POLEN PARA INSERTAR EN LA PARTE DELANTERA DE LA COLMENA! ¡PARA COLMENA CUBO D.B. ! 10 FAVIFácil acoplamiento con SPIRIT GIRL SUMINISTRADA - Trampa de madera de abeto - Tapa de madera contrachapada multicapa impermeable - Rejilla con agujeros de plástico abiertos/cerrados para la recogida de polen y paso de abejas ajustable (mantenida abierta, permite el paso libre de las abejas) - Red inferior de acero inoxidable (el polen cae en la bandeja) - Bandeja de polen extraíble de madera en los 4 lados y con red inferior de acero inoxidable - Orificios laterales para el paso de los zánganos (con lengüeta para mantenerlos abiertos o cerrados) Con cajón extraíble, posibilidad de mantener abierto el paso de las abejas incluso cuando la trampa está montada, orificio para el paso de los zánganos
The guide stems from the desire to offer all beekeepers a practical tool, gained through decades of experience in the field, as a beekeeper, in the laboratory, as a passionate pollen producer and trader, and in the classrooms of the many conferences and courses that the author has held throughout Italy over the years. The reader will find therein, illustrated in detail, all the particularities of the "Metalori method," the story of how the idea of designing a new trap came about, and the necessary directions for collecting, preserving and marketing pollen.In the second part of the volume we read original contributions from scientists and doctors who delve into the different aspects of the food use, preservation and even the usefulness of pollen for our organism, the true promise of "nutraceutics," and who make the volume a complete guide unique in its kind in Italy.